• Phone : (+62-21) 6231 2626
  • cs@arthasekuritas.com

Transparan, Akuntabel & Terpecaya

Customer Complaint Service:
PT Artha Sekuritas Indonesia's violation reporting system policy and customer complaints as a solution to handling customer complaints equipped with comprehensive and reliable policies and operational standards.


Customer can lodge a complaint or provide feedback to us in one of the following ways:


Directly visit our office at Mangga Dua Square Blok F No. 40, Jalan Gunung Sahari Raya, Jakarta Utara 14420.
-   Telephone : (021) 6231 2626
-   Fax : (021) 6231 2525
-   Email : cs@arthasekuritas.com
-   Writing an official letter addressed to PT Artha Sekuritas Indonesia.