• Phone : (+62-21) 6231 2626
  • cs@arthasekuritas.com

Transparent, Accountable & Trusted

PT Artha Sekuritas Indonesia is a company with vast experience in capital market since 1990. Since its establishment in 2005, PT Artha Sekuritas Indonesia has been striving to contribute to the capital market industry by improving quality and professionalism in its services to the customers.

Through state-of-the-art technology, PT Artha Sekuritas Indonesia improves the quality of its brokerage business (including online trading) and investment banking. PT Artha Sekuritas Indonesia consistently delivers the best services with the support of highly experienced professionals and comprehensive research.

To ensure customer satisfaction, PT Artha Sekuritas Indonesia applies an integrated services system that encompasses the Trading Division, Investment Banking Division, Operation Division and Financial Division.

Company History

  • PT Artha Securities Prima

    The Company’s Inception

    PT Artha Securities Prima, the genesis of PT Artha Sekuritas Indonesia, was established as a national securities company. PT Artha Securities Prima engages in securities brokerage and underwriting and is a member of the Jakarta Stock Exchange (now Indonesia Stock Exchange).

  • Surabaya Stock Exchange

    Becoming a Public Company

    Expanding its business services in Surabaya, PT Artha Securities Prima became a public company listed in the Surabaya Stock Exchange.

  • PT Artha Securities Tbk

    Status change to Tbk

    As the first step in its journey as a public company, PT Artha Securities Prima changed its name to PT Artha Securities Tbk and expanded its business to fixed income and investment banking.

  • PT Arthavest Tbk

    Name change

    PT Artha Securities Tbk changed its name into PT Arthavest Tbk and its status into an investment company. PT Arthavest Tbk established PT Artha Securities Indonesia as a subsidiary to run its securities trading business.

  • Full License

    Brokerage & Investment Banking

    PT Artha Securities obtained a full license as a securities company with various services such as Brokerage and Investment Banking.


    Compliance with the Financial Services Authorities Regulation

    To comply with the Financial Services Authorities Regulation No. 20/POJK/04/2016 on the Permit of Securities Companies, PT Artha Securities Indonesia changed its name into PT ARTHA SEKURITAS INDONESIA in September 2016.