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Indonesia Stock Exchange

Indonesia Stock Exchange (abbreviated IDX) is the stock exchange resulting from the merger between Jakarta Stock Exchange (BEJ) and Surabaya Stock Exchange (BES). For operational and transactional effectiveness, the Government decided to merge the stock market Jakarta Stock Exchange and the bond and derivative market Surabaya Stock Exchange. The resulting stock exchange began operations on December 1, 2007.

The IDX adopted the Jakarta Automated Trading System (JATS) on May 22, 1995, replacing the manual system it previously used. As of March 2, 2009, the JATS system has been replaced with the newer system JATS-NextG provided by OMX.

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is a government institution established under Law No. 21 of 2011, which organizes an integrated regulatory and supervisory system over all activities in the financial services sector. The OJK is an independent institution that is free from interference with functions, duties, and authorities of regulating, supervising, inspecting, and investigating. The OJK was established to replace Bapepam-LK in regulating and supervising the capital market and financial services, as well as Bank Indonesia in its regulatory and supervisory roles over banks, and to protect the customers of the financial services industry.

Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia

PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia, KSEI, was established in Jakarta on December 23, 1997 and obtained the operations license as a Depository and Settlement Institution (LPP) on November 11, 1998. KSEI is one of the Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO) in the Indonesian capital market institution along with the Stock Exchange and the Clearing and Underwriting Institution.

As an Indonesian capital market LPP and pursuant to Law No. 8 of 1995 on Capital Market, KSEI provides central custodian and securities transaction settlement services in an organized, fair and efficient manner.

On January 9, 1998, KSEI commenced its operational activities of scrips securities transaction settlement, taking over the function of PT Kliring Deposit Efek Indonesia (KDEI), the previous Depository and Settlement Clearing Institution (LKPP). Subsequently, as of July 17, 2000, KSEI together with the Stock Exchange and PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) implemented scripless trading and the central custodian operations in the Indonesian capital market.

Akses KSEI

AKSes KSEI is an online information access facility for investors to monitor the position and transfer of their Securities that are deposited in the Securities Sub-Account at KSEI. Every Investor is entitled to access to this facility through the Account Holder of KSEI where such investor is registered as a customer. KSEI does not charge any fees, either to the Account Holder of KSEI or to the investor.

The access to KSEI AKSes Facility can only be applied for by an investor who has opened a Securities Sub-Account at KSEI. With the Securities Sub-Account, the investor is entitled to request access to KSEI AKSes Facility and, pursuant to the letter of Bapepam-LK No.: S-4882/BL/2009 dated June 8, 2009, PE or BK are required to comply with such request.

Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia

PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) was established under the Indonesian Capital Market Law of 1995 to provide exchange transaction settlement clearing services in an organized, fair and efficient manner. KPEI was incorporated as a limited liability company under the deed of incorporation No. 8 dated August 5, 1996 in Jakarta by PT Bursa Efek Jakarta and PT Bursa Efek Surabaya, with a respective ownership of 90% and 10% of the total founder’s stock of Rp 15 billion. KPEI obtained its status as a legal entity on September 24, 1996 with the ratification of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia. On June 1, 1998, the Company obtained the business license as a Clearing and Underwriting Institution pursuant to the Decision Letter of Bapepam No. Kep-26/PM/1998.

In July 2000 with the application of Scripless Trading, KPEI as a Clearing and Underwriting Institution launched e-CLEARS.

Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is a trending topic after 2008 Financial crisis which is affecting the unbanked bottom of the pyramid group (Low and unstable income , rural / remote area inhabitant without proper documentation , uneducated , and handicapped) in developing countries. At G20 Pittsburgh Summit 2009 , members agreed to improve the financial inclusion to these groups and it was further confirmed on Toronto Summit 2010. 9 Principles for innovative financial inclusion are chartered as the foundation of financial inclusion development. These principles are leadership , diversity , innovation , protection , empowerment , cooperation , knowledge , proportionality and framework. Since then , many international organizations are focusing their causes for Financial inclusion such as CGAP , World Bank , APEC , Asian Development Bank (ADB) , Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) , including standards like BIS and Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Stocks As a Saving Instrument

Stocks As a Saving Instrument is a campaign led by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) to promote awareness of stock market for peoples to invest in by buying stock as a saving instrument. Inline with this mission to develop a better stock market in Indonesia , the Indonesia Stock Exchange is routinely educating peoples and promoting awareness to increase penetration of active Indonesian investor. This campaign has been launched since 12 November 2015 by the Vice President of Indonesia - Mr. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla at the Main Hall of the Indonesia Stock Exchange Building.