• Phone : (+62-21) 6231 2626
  • cs@arthasekuritas.com

Investment Banking

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The Investment Banking Division oversees securities management services (IPO), securities underwriting and financial advisory for restructuring, mergers and acquisitions. The Company has been effectively carrying out securities underwriting activities as a member of the underwriter syndicate since the obtainment of its Underwriter license from BAPEPAM in October 2001.

In 2002, in its early stage as an underwriter, the Company acted as the joint lead underwriter for PT Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk and PT Grahasarana Tbk. It also acted as a member of a syndicate for the issuance of 5 (five) shares and 4 (four) bonds.

The Division is currently managing the restructuring of several corporate debts and corporate debts to IBRA, as well as company acquisitions. The Division also provides assistance to the customers for debt restructuring concerning the issuance of debt instruments such as :

  • Promissory Notes
  • Medium Term Notes
  • Negotiable Certificate of Deposit
  • Commercial Papers